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Australia Is Building First Covid Quarantine INTERNMENT CAMP To Segregate Population And ‘Keep Delta Variant Out’

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As we previously reported, Australia has absolutely lost their minds when it comes to COVID, and now the Queensland government is reportedly establishing a ‘quarantine camp’ outside of the city to, in their words, ‘keep the delta variant out’:

The Blaze reported a regional COVID-19 quarantine facility is being built in Queensland, Australia. The Queensland government is constructing a coronavirus quarantine camp in Toowoomba, which is around 80 miles from Brisbane.

By the end of the year, the new COVID-19 quarantine facility should have 500 beds available, with a total of 1,000 beds accessible by the end of the first quarter of 2022. The property near the Wellcamp Airport has already begun construction. The COVID-19 quarantine facility will be erected by Wagner Corporation, a property development company that owns the land. Once the regional facility is up and running, the Queensland government will run it.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said in a statement that “as Australia grapples with the dangerous Delta variant, Queensland must have alternatives to hotel quarantine that offer enhanced public safety.” “That’s why we’re putting the finishing touches on the Queensland Regional Accommodation Centre, a dedicated 1000-bed facility near Wellcamp airport that will significantly reduce reliance on hotel quarantine.”

“Queensland residents and those intending to relocate to Queensland who have been in a hotspot in the last 14 days or since the identified start date (whichever is shorter) will not be allowed to enter Queensland, without an exemption,” the Queensland government announced on Friday. Exemptions will be given only in the most extreme of circumstances.”

China must be ecstatic that authoritarianism is spreading over the globe. It all started with their ‘lab leak.’



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