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Up To 15,000 Americans Abandoned In Afghanistan Facing Death — Biden Admin Tells Them ‘Tough Luck’

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Sources have revealed today that the Biden Administration is abandoning thousands of American citizens in Afghanistan with no way to escape and likely to face death at the hands of the Taliban.

15,000 Americans are isolated in the outlying areas of Afghanistan, a country as big as Texas. These include civilian security contractors (hired guns such as Blackwater operatives), building and road construction contractors, mid and lower rank State Department employees, healthcare workers including those from American religious organizations, conventional missionaries, American citizens visiting families in Afghanistan, and many others.

During a briefing on the Afghan situation on Tuesday, US Senators were reportedly told that there are no official plans to remove all Americans from the rapidly deteriorating country, particularly those outside of Kabul.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan stated later Tuesday that the US aims to rescue all Americans stranded in Afghanistan, though he wouldn’t say how many, and that the US will not commit to staying in the nation through August 31st if there are still American citizens who haven’t been evacuated.

According to the Washington Post, citing unnamed Senate aides, Biden “administration officials — from the State and Defense departments, as well as the National Security Council and the Joint Chiefs of Staff — also told the assembled Senate staffers that there is no plan to evacuate Americans who are outside Kabul, as they do not have a way to get through the Taliban checkpoints outside the city.”

The Biden administration has refused to say how many Americans are outside of Kabul, but Senators have been told that between 10,000 and 15,000 Americans remain in Afghanistan awaiting evacuation.

The evacuation procedure appears to be “picking up,” according to NBC’s Richard Engel, who is reporting from Kabul. The US military is methodically evacuating Americans and Afghan residents with approved visas.

“At kabul airport, military side, more order than before,” he tweeted. “Evacuations picking up. Seeing more Afghan families being taken through. Planes taking off. Base well guarded.”

Only 700 people were evacuated by the US on Monday. “On Tuesday, the United States evacuated approximately 1,100 U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and their families,” according to the Washington Post.

Despite the Taliban’s opposition, White House national security advisor Jake Sullivan stated later Tuesday that the US intended to evacuate its citizens, despite the lack of a formal plan.

“President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, told reporters at a news briefing later Tuesday that the Taliban expressed a willingness to provide ‘safe passage of civilians to the airport,’” according to Fox News.

“When asked if we’ll get all Americans out of Afghanistan, I said ‘that’s what we intend to do,’ and that’s exactly what we’ll do, and are doing right now with HKIA reopened and operational, thanks to the incredible work of our troops and diplomats,” Sullivan stated on Twitter. When questioned by a CBS reporter, he did not say that forces would remain in Afghanistan until all Americans had been evacuated.

The State Department cautioned Americans in a message sent to ambassadors on Tuesday afternoon that it “cannot guarantee” their safety if they choose to leave refuge and travel to the airport, according to the Daily Wire, casting doubt on Sullivan’s claims.

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