

WATCH: 22-Year-Old Brutally Beaten Unconscious And Robbed On His Birthday In Police-Defunded Seattle

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A vicious attack that left a 22-year-old freelance photojournalist unconscious was caught on security camera in Seattle, Washington, where local Democrats have pushed to defund the police and kowtow to the extreme Left.


Here’s more:

JASON RANTZ – A 22-year-old freelance photographer visiting Seattle was brutally beaten unconscious and robbed in the Mount Baker neighborhood. Days later, he’s still reeling in pain and suffering financially.

The victim identified himself online under the name Caliber Visuals. He says he was already having a rough July. While stopped at a red light back home in Los Angeles earlier in the month, he says he was rear-ended by a driver going 45 miles per hour. His injuries landed him in physical therapy, and his car was totaled.

After all the stress and pain, Caliber needed a “mental break” and came to Seattle ahead of his 23rd birthday in a couple of weeks. While he was walking to meet a friend, he was viciously attacked and robbed. It was all caught on video.

The surveillance video of the attack is difficult to watch.

Caliber was walking near the parking lot by Cash America on Rainier Avenue South around 6:15 p.m. on July 31 when a man in an orange shirt approaches him. The suspect says something to Caliber, holding out his hand for a handshake. But the suspect doesn’t let go of Caliber’s hand.

As Caliber tries to break free, the suspect grabs him by the neck and pulls him to the ground hard. Moments later, the suspect kicks Caliber in the head. As he struggles to defend himself, the suspect stomps on Caliber’s head, striking him directly in the face twice.

A visibly stunned Caliber again tries to get up when the suspect again stomps on his face, cutting his eye. He’s knocked unconscious. But the suspect takes another hard, swift kick to the side of Caliber’s head.

The suspect searches Caliber’s pockets and steals several items before calmly walking away.

Caliber’s friends found him and got him to the hospital…

Caliber detailed his injuries in a GoFundMe page set up to help him financially recover.

He was rushed by ambulance to Harborview after his friends found him lying on the ground. Caliber says he suffered a fractured eye and brain bleeding. At the hospital, he underwent multiple MRIs to see the extent of his injuries and see if he needed emergency surgery.

“Four days later I’m trying to stay positive with the fact I’m still here and able to move forward in life but I still find myself spitting up blood and severe headaches,” Caliber posted online.

The suspect stole his iPhone 12, at least $900 cash, his wallet with a driver’s license, and his debit cards. He also stole car keys belonging to Caliber’s friend. It cost $700 to replace, he said.

Rantz says you can chalk this up to a crime surge because of the defund police movement, among other things:

Seattle is experiencing a crime surge thanks to the defund movement, prosecutors that refuse to put criminals behind bars, and a city council that pushes politics over safety.

Mount Baker is known to have a crime issue, but the city doesn’t have enough police to proactively walk, drive, or bike around neighborhoods as a deterrent.

“It’s disheartening to watch this happen around our city, and nothing’s being done about it,” a worker near the scene of the crime told KIRO 7 TV. “It’s been going on for years, and it seems to be the city council has let this continue to happen.”

I checked Caliber’s GoFundMe page and he’s getting close to $12,000. If you want to donate to help him with his medical bills, you can do so here.



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