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WATCH: Black Father DESTROYS School Board For Teaching Kids Critical Race Theory

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A black father of two students calmly and expertly savaged a local school board over the teaching of Critical Race Theory to his children.

While CRT is taught in law schools to examine different legislation through the prism of racism from an ethical standpoint, it was never intended for grade schools, according to the father, Ian Rice. He claims that schools lack the necessary educators to teach it, so they instead use CRT to promote their own goal, which is to indoctrinate youngsters to hate one another.

Rice states unequivocally that CRT teaches that white people are terrible, which he denies.

There’s a lot more in the video, but my favorite statement is near the conclusion when he says, “Who are you to educate my children…in life issues?” That is our responsibility. It is your responsibility to instruct kids in math and science. It is our responsibility to teach children about life.”

Watch the video for more, and while you’re at it, tell me what you think he meant when he said his daughter was pulled aside by a teacher and informed that she “knew better than to engage in certain things” since she was a minority. That threw me for a loop…



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