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BOMBSHELL Proof Emerges Showing Biden Wined And Dined Hunter’s Mexican Business Associates In The VP’s Office

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Hunter’s laptop keeps on delivering, and today’s bombshell is photos and emails proving that criminal family boss Joe Biden met with Hunter’s business partners in his VP office in 2014, despite Biden’s claim that he had no involvement in Hunter’s commercial activities. Hunter and his partners were working on a “flippin gigantic” business venture that would take them from Ukraine to Mexico.

DAILY MAIL – Joe Biden entertained his son’s business associates in the vice president’s office, including Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Miguel Alemán Velasco.

The then-vice president also flew Hunter and his partner Jeff Cooper on Air Force 2 to Mexico City in 2016 where Hunter arranged to meet Alemán’s son for meetings over a ‘flippin gigantic’ business deal.

The revelations, laid bare in photographs and emails on Hunter’s abandoned laptop, are the latest in a growing body of evidence calling into question the president’s claim that he never spoke about business with Hunter.

In the light of shocking documents uncovered by from the laptop, the president now faces serious questions – not just whether he knew about Hunter’s controversial business dealings, but also whether he was involved in facilitating them himself while vice president.

The White House continues to fail to respond to any of our questions.

The first photo, taken from the laptop, shows Joe Biden in the Vice President’s office in 2014 with Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Miguel Alemán Velasco, who were business associates of his son Hunter:

The second photo: While Hunter and Cooper were working on their business plans, they managed to get the billionaires Slim, Velasco and Magnani a private ‘meeting’ with then-vice president Joe Biden in the VP’s office. Photos on Hunter’s laptop dated November 19, 2015, show the six men smiling at a meeting in Joe Biden’s DC residence. Emails show the men also met Joe at the White House

While Hunter and Cooper were working on their business plans, they managed to get the billionaires Slim, Velasco and Magnani a private 'meeting' with then-vice president Joe Biden in the VP's office. Photos on Hunter's laptop dated November 19, 2015, show the six men smiling at a meeting in Joe Biden¿s DC residence. Emails show the men also met Joe at the White House

Daily Mail continues, explaining now how all of this transpired…

Hunter and Biden family friend Jeff Cooper hatched a plan in 2013 to invest in multiple businesses in Mexico and Latin America, using their relationship with the Mexican billionaire Alemán family whose late patriarch, Miguel Alemán Valdes, served as president of Mexico.

Cooper, an attorney who worked with Hunter’s late brother Beau Biden on asbestos claims cases and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Biden political campaigns, was particularly excited by the venture’s prospects, writing to Hunter in February 2013: ‘This is setting up to be flippin gigantic brother.’

The prospects for profit only grew when Hunter joined the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma the following year.

He and Cooper sought the help of Valdés’ grandson, airline CEO Miguel Alemán Magnani, to forge a relationship with the richest man in Latin America, Carlos Slim, in an attempt to cash in on the privatization of the giant state-owned oil company Pemex for Burisma and themselves.

While Hunter and Cooper were working on their business plans, they managed to get the billionaires Slim, Velasco and Magnani a private ‘meeting’ with then-vice president Joe Biden.

Hunter and Cooper attended. Photos on Hunter’s laptop dated November 19, 2015 show the six men smiling and hugging in the meeting in Joe Biden’s vice presidential residence at Number One Observatory Circle, Washington DC. Emails also show the billionaires met with Joe at the White House. It is unclear what, if anything, Joe Biden discussed with the Mexican billionaires at their meetings and phone call.

It appears there may have been multiple White House meetings, as over a year earlier Hunter emailed White House photographer David Lienemann to ask for photographs of the Alemán family with his business partner and father.

‘Do you have pictures from the lunch I had in dad’s office (I think on 2/26) with Miguel Alleman Sr. And Jr. And Jeff Cooper? If so let me know and I can send someone to pick them up,’ Hunter wrote in 2014.

In May that year Cooper even asked Hunter if he could get the pictures signed for the Mexican billionaires.

‘Any luck on getting those other pics from the WH [White House]-Alemán visit? Or getting a few signed for Miguel and his dad?’ the attorney wrote.

The same month, Hunter excitedly sent his business partner and fellow Burisma board member Devon Archer a Forbes article titled ‘How Oil Reforms Could Trigger Mexico’s Biggest Economic Boom In A Century’.

By the end of the year, their efforts were ramping up. Cooper wrote to Hunter and Archer in December 2014: ‘I met with Miguel [Magnani] last night. He has set up mtgs with the Secty of Energy and the CEO of Pemex for Jan 12. Is there any chance that anyone from Burisma could attend?’

The article continues on about the business ventures and more, replete with emails and photos, and you can continue reading there if you like. But the evidence that Joe Biden lied about being involved in his son’s business ventures can’t be denied. Of course we knew some of this last year, when the New York Post ran their bombshell exposing how Joe Biden secretly met with one of Hunter’s Burisma partners in DC.

But, while it cannot be denied, it will be ignored by the Big Fake Media, which has refused to take any of this information seriously, particularly last year when it was most needed. The liberal media doesn’t mind if the president is a liar as long as he’s a Democrat.



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