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Authoritarian New Zealand Is Preparing For Another FULL Lockdown Despite Zero COVID Cases in Past 100+ Days

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Despite the fact that there have been no COVID cases in over a hundred days, New Zealand is preparing for another full-fledged lockdown.

This is what tyranny looks like.

Authorities in Wellington have issued a higher Covid-19 warning level, just one step short of lockdown, as they suspect the “more dangerous” Delta strain of the virus has been imported to the island country.

According to a report by RT, New Zealand boasts zero new Covid cases in over 100 days. A quarantine-free travel bubble had been arranged with neighboring Australia but has now been halted.

There are concerns the man might have spread the Delta strain of the deadly virus. “This is a more infectious variant. The risk is higher than usual,” public health official Ashley Bloomfield said, as quoted by local media. He also said “everything’s on the table,” meaning the government cannot rule out a lockdown. RT reports: Also important to note, is that they are admitting that their savior, the “vaccine,” doesn’t work:

The infected Australian had been previously vaccinated with one dose of the AstraZeneca jab, New Zealand’s minister for Covid-19 response Chris Hipkins revealed. In New Zealand, over a million doses of the Pfizer vaccine have been administered, according to health officials. RT

They have admitted time and time again that this experimental gene therapy does not prevent the transmission of or an infection from COVID-19.  So what’s the point? The agenda. It is a piece of the agenda.

Australia has also followed suit clamping down on people as they continue to fearmonger the public with this hoax. Measures have also been tightened over “exposure concerns” to the new variant. Gatherings and movement have been restricted in Sydney, and several neighboring states closed their borders. “We have gone from near and present danger to a very real and present danger,” local health minister Brad Hazzard told the media.

They are going to potentially lock down the slaves again for one case of the supposed “delta variant.” We live in dystopian times. What is it going to take for human beings to get off their knees and stop being slaves?

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