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Leaked Document Reveals Hillary Clinton Warned Of China Developing Biological Weapons In Wuhan Lab Back In 2009

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Bombshell evidence has emerged that may give life to the theory that COVID-19 was potentially developed by China as a bioweapon.

According to a 2009 State Department cable, Hillary Clinton expressed alarm about the launch of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China due to “biological weapons proliferation concerns.”

The cable, which was previously published by WikiLeaks, was issued to all embassies in Australia Group member countries in June 2009, with the goal of limiting the spread of dangerous weapons.

“We believe it is important to focus on emerging chemical and biological technologies, trends in the trade of CBW-related (chemical and biological weapons) goods and threats,” Clinton adds in the message.

“The US believes participants would benefit from hearing about your experiences assisting China in setting up a Biosafety Level-4 (BSL-4) laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology from the export control and intangible technology transfer perspectives,” Clinton wrote to French delegates.

“We’re particularly curious about China’s plans to vet incoming foreign researchers from countries where biological weapons proliferation is a concern,” Clinton noted.

“The US believes AG members would be interested in any information you can share related to China and North Korea, particularly information related to:” the cable stated.

  • China’s Institutes of Biological Products (locations in Beijing and Wuhan), to include overhead imagery analysis, if possible.
  • Your perceptions of the CBW proliferation activities by Chinese entities.
  • Your perceptions of Chinese government efforts to enforce its export control rules.”

The cable is yet another reminder that the Wuhan lab was thought to be a facility being set up by China to conduct weapons research.

As The Washington Post noted in a report this week, it is clear that the Chinese military was conducting classified work at the lab.

Another former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has also repeatedly asserted that China is using the lab for bioweapons research.

“What I can say for sure is this: we know that they were engaged in efforts connected to the People’s Liberation Army inside of that laboratory, so military activity being performed alongside what they claimed was just good old civilian research,” Pompeo earlier this month:

“They refuse to tell us what it was, they refuse to describe the nature of either of those, they refused to allow access to the World Health Organization when it tried to get in there,” Pompeo further urged.

“That virology lab is still up and running. It’s still probably conducting the same kinds of research it was conducting that may have well led to this virus escaping from that laboratory,” Pompeo emphasised.

Despite Clinton’s previous warnings concerning the Wuhan lab, she has repeatedly accused those pointing fingers at the Institute, mainly Trump, of using using “racist rhetoric”:

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