

REPORT: White House Scrambling To Cover For Biden Saying He “Trusts” Putin

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Biden told the press this morning, in the form of a head nod, that he trusts Putin:

Wow. Remember when Trump was asked if he trusted Putin in regards to the 2016 election interference and Trump essentially said yes? The media completely lost it.

The White House, sensing the gravity of what Biden said, are already saying he didn’t mean it:

How is ‘verify, then trust’ a defense? Before his meeting, Trump had also said he trusted the intelligence community’s assessment that Russian interfered in the 2016 election and then in the presser suggested he trusted Putin, and that certainly didn’t stop the media from going ballistic. Remember all hooey they made out of that closed door meeting, even suggesting that they wanted to subpoena that translator to find out what was really said in the meeting?

But Biden will get a pass by the media because the White House said he didn’t really mean it or something. Because he gets a pass on everything by this fawning propaganda media.

I’ll leave you with this…



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