

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Is Refusing To Take Questions From White Reporters

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In a move that is totally not racist at all, the office of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is advising reporters that the mayor can only do one-on-one interviews with black and brown reporters and will not be taking any questions from white reporters. Mary Ann Ahern of NBC5 Chicago has the following to say:

“As @chicagosmayor⁩ reaches her two year midway point as mayor, her spokeswoman says Lightfoot is granting 1 on 1 interviews – only to Black or Brown journalists.”

Paris Schultz with WTTW Chicago said he’s been told the same thing:

A Chicago Alderman responded in disbelief:

But a WTTW political reporter confirms it’s true:

Another alderman responded:

Reilly is exactly right. If this were a white mayor refusing to do interviews with black reporters, that mayor would be labeled a white supremacist and tarred and feathered as racist.

So what exactly does that make Mayor Lori Lightfoot? Nothing, because black people can’t be racist in America. What, you didn’t know that?

Here’s a few responses….



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