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Fauci Goes Full Woke: Says COVID Pandemic Has Revealed America’s Racism

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The coronavirus pandemic, according to White House Senior Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci, has revealed that the United States is fundamentally racist.

In a speech to Emory University graduates, Fauci stated that the virus has revealed the “undeniable effects of racism in our society.”

“Covid-19 has shone a bright light on our own society’s failings,” Fauci said, claiming that African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans are all more vulnerable to the virus due to pre-existing health conditions caused by social factors such as “access to healthcare” and “availability of an adequate diet.”

“Almost all relate to the social determinants of health dating back to disadvantageous conditions that some people of color find themselves in from birth regarding the availability of an adequate diet, access to healthcare, and the undeniable effects of racism in our society,” Fauci claimed, adding, “Very few of these comorbidities have racial determinants.”


Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul has continued to criticise Fauci, urging Friday that he is a “little dictator” who “acts like an ignoramus every day” where mask mandates are concerned.

Appearing on Fox News, Paul stated that Fauci “probably has the highest IQ for someone who actually acts like an ignoramus every day of the week.”

After Fauci declared that children should continue to wear masks, and the CDC director agreed, Paul countered, “Kids don’t get this disease.” It’s a mild form when they do get it. They don’t do a good job of transmitting it. On this, we have two years of evidence.”

“They [the CDC] have their camp supplies still. They want them to walk around camp wearing a mask and doing the 6-foot thing,” Paul continued, adding, “There’s no science behind it.” It’s all speculation; it’s Tony Fauci’s way or the highway.”

“Mr. Little Dictator… Fauci should show us the science if he wants kids to mask up and wear masks everywhere,” Paul emphasized.


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