

BOMBSHELL: Arizona Audit Uncovers MASSIVE FRAUD — Machines Erased, Votes Deleted And Officials Scramble To Cover Up — Trump Responds

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If you’re wondering why the Democrats and the media are terrified of the audit, while the GOP remains largely silent, consider what’s going on in Arizona right now.

A major discovery and turn of events has occurred in Arizona, and has many people scrambling.

The election in Arizona was “rigged,” according to Newsmax, after county officials deleted an entire directory full of election databases just before the election equipment was delivered to the audit.

President Trump released the following statement after allegations surfaced in the audit being conducted in Arizona:

A devastating letter written by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann on voting irregularities, and probably fraud, in Maricopa County during the 2020 Presidential Election. Even the database was illegally deleted after the subpoena to produce the information. Senate President Fann has invited Maricopa County officials to a public hearing on May 18 to allow them the opportunity to try to explain what happened to the missing databases, ballots, and other significant issues.

The Fake News and Lamestream Media is doing everything they can not to cover this major story. They just refuse to talk or report about it. They don’t want the United States or World to see what is going on with our corrupt, third world election.

You can read the full letter from Sen. Fann here.

Rasmusssen Reports broke the news as well:

What does this mean?

Well for starters, many are pointing out that this is a violation of an earlier subpoena and it also is against the actual law that requires “election data” to be kept for 22 months in case there needs to be an inspection.

Many are now calling for the arrest of the “Board of Supervisors” and any county election or IT person who participated in deleting those files.

Here’s what GOP head Kelli Ward has to say about the turn of events:

“No wonder Maricopa County & the Democrats have been trying to prevent this audit…”

Why on EARTH would you risk everything – maybe even face jail time – to delete those files?

What the heck is on/in them that you’re trying so desperately to hide?

Could there be another logical reason for those deletions?

Hopefully, we’ll find out the answer to that question, and a whole lot more very soon.

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