

BREAKING: Liz Cheney Is OUT — Republicans Vote To Remove Cheney As Conference Chair

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By a voice vote, House Republicans have officially voted to remove Liz Cheney from her leadership role as Conference Chair:

It looks like the deed is done, that Cheney is ousted, and now they’ll vote to replace her with Stefanik.

Much of the media is claiming that she was ousted because she opposed Trump. That is partially correct, but it does not tell the whole story. Byron York wrote about this today, explaining that it was really because Cheney was only focused on Trump from November to January, continuing to relitigate issues, and not on Biden and the 2022 elections:

York makes the point that Republicans simply weren’t all that angry with Cheney back in January, despite her vote to impeach Trump. So why are they now so angry that she has to go?

And that they did. Cheney has become so obsessed with Trump that she’s now seen by her colleagues as someone who could no longer do their job and represent the entire Republican conference. This isn’t about her voting to impeach Trump – that much is clear. And it’s not even about her disagreeing with Trump. It’s because she’s completely lose focus and has become a one issue Republican. Biden is the one in the Oval Office, but Liz Cheney still believes opposing Trump is the way forward and that’s why she’s been dumped.



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