

WATCH: Mansion-Buying BLM Co-Founder Excitedly Compares Herself To Genocidal Communist, Mao Zedong, In Unearthed Video

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If somebody says who they are, believe them, as the saying goes.

Most decent and rational people would be deeply offended by anyone comparing them to a genocidal authoritarian with more deaths under his belt than Hitler OR Stalin, one who is responsible for nearly as many human deaths as Hitler and Stalin COMBINED.

The genocidal maniac in question would be China’s Chairman Mao.

A comparison between her book and Chairman Mao’s Red Book, on the other hand, was taken as a compliment by one of the most prominent activists inflaming America today. She became giddy about it and suggested that the person who made the comparison go out and buy a stack of them and start a book club based on the content.

Because the murderous iconoclastic student groups organized by Mao were such a wonderful end result of his radical philosophy that we need to import that to America along with everything else, right?

Actually, she seems to think so. As one guy I know described it, she’s building ‘Sh!tler Youth’.

Patrisse Cullors, who infamously described herself as a “trained Marxist,” made the comments during a United States Social Forum panel on “Transformative Organizing Theory” in 2010. Among the breakout sessions at the workshop was “Socialism for the 21st Century.”

During her speech, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) co-founder recounts how a young person insisted her book was “like Mao’s Red Book,” a comparison which Cullors embraces:

“I was speaking to this young person from Arizona who’s trying to fight SB 1070, and he grabbed a book and he said, “It’s like Mao’s Red Book.” [Laughter] And I was like man, that’s what I was thinking, and it was just really cool to hear him make that connection, and I was like how about you buy 10 to 15 of these books and you all have like a youth organizing group where you talk about it and you really try to engage this.”


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