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Leaked Emails Prove Democrats Colluded With Big Tech To Censor 2020 Election Posts On Social Media — Wonder Who That Helped?

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Recently leaked emails have all but verified what Conservatives have known to be true: that election dissent was sharply censored by big tech and Democrats.

The emails are part of a trove of documents obtained by Judicial Watch in which it is revealed that the state of California as well as the Biden campaign pressured Big Tech and social media companies to censor conservatives posts they labelled as “disinformation”.

Emails such as the ones below show the eagerness of companies to collaborate with Democrats to quickly remove posts:

The documents were made available thanks to a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request made by Judicial Watch.

The request was granted and copies of the documents were given to Judicial Watch.

Judicial Watch announced today that it received 540 pages and a supplemental four pages of documents from the office of the Secretary of State of California revealing how state officials pressured social media companies (Twitter, Facebook, Google (YouTube)) to censor posts about the 2020 election. Included in these documents were “misinformation briefings” emails that were compiled by communications firm SKDK, that lists Biden for President as their top client of 2020. The documents show how the state agency successfully pressured YouTube to censor a Judicial Watch video concerning the vote by mail and a Judicial Watch lawsuit settlement about California voter roll clean up.

The records were obtained in response to Judicial Watch’s California Public Records Act (CPRA) requests to the Office of the California Secretary of State for records related to the Office of Election Cybersecurity’s database of social media posts; communications with social media companies; and other social media related records regarding the 2020 elections. Judicial Watch filed the requests after a December 2020 report surfaced that the state agency was surveilling, tracking, and seeking to censor the speech of Americans:

The Office of Election Cybersecurity in the California Secretary of State’s office monitored and tracked social media posts, decided if they were misinformation, stored the posts in an internal database coded by threat level, and on 31 different occasions requested posts be removed. In 24 cases, the social media companies agreed and either took down the posts or flagged them as misinformation, according to Jenna Dresner, senior public information officer for the Office of Election Cybersecurity.

For anyone who believes that the 2020 presidential election was “fair,” this is demonstrable evidence that the Democrats played dirty.

Not only did the Democrats play dirty, but they had the help of corrupt government officials in California.

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