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Biden Orders Border Patrol Not To Talk To Press And Actively Cover-Up His Border Crisis

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The border has gotten so out of control thanks to Joe Biden that DHS is now putting a gag on the border patrol and other border officials to keep them from talking to the media about what’s really going on down there:

NBC NEWS – The Biden administration is restricting the information Border Patrol agents and sector chiefs can share with the media as a surge of migrants tests the agency’s capacity at the southern border, according to four current and two former Customs and Border Protection officials.

The officials say the restrictions are seen as an unofficial “gag order” and are often referred to that way among colleagues. The officials requested anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to the media about the topic.

Border Patrol officials have been told to deny all media requests for “ride-alongs” with agents along the southern land border; local press officers are instructed to send all information queries, even from local media, to the press office in Washington for approval; and those responsible for cultivating data about the number of migrants in custody have been reminded not to share the information with anyone to prevent leaks, the officials said.

Not only has Biden told Border agents not to talk with the press, but they are being denied access to all facilities, not even photos from inside are allowed.

Multiple news organizations, including NBC News, have requested access to or photos from inside overcrowded border processing facilities holding unaccompanied migrant children; they have been denied. The DHS press office released one photo late Tuesday of a mother and child undergoing a health screening inside a border facility, but no wider shots to show conditions or sleeping arrangements.

This is in stark contrast of the Trump administration, which was open and transparent about it’s fight against illegal immigration.

At the height of the Trump administration’s child separation policy in June 2018, it allowed media to tour facilities where separated children were held.

The new restrictions have been passed down verbally, not through an official memo, the officials said. The unofficial policy has led some agents at the border to release videos that show mass arrests and surges of migrants without permission from Washington, two officials said.

Customs and Border Protection and the Department of Homeland Security have not offered any media tours of the newly opened processing facility in Donna, Texas, which is reported to be over capacity with unaccompanied migrant children, a DHS official said.

Biden’s Homeland Secretary still refuses to admit this is a crisis, even today, yet DHS is silencing border agents to keep the truth of what’s going on hidden? No, there’s no cover-up going on about the border, Biden says as he tries to do Jedi mind trick on the American people.

Also note that NBC News actually compared Biden to Trump, noting that the Trump administration was BETTER at working with the media at the border during a crisis than Biden has been. I can’t emphasize how huge a statement that is considering how the media loves Biden and hated Trump.

For NBC News to even put out a report like this on Biden tells you just how bad the situation is down there and how conflicted they must feel about it.

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