

Democrats Are Quietly Deleting Old Tweets Praising Andrew Cuomo’s Leadership, Hoping We Wouldn’t Call Them Out

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Liberal pundits and reporters who showered New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo with praise throughout the COVID-19 pandemic are now backtracking their remarks and tweets amid a pair of high-profile scandals that have tarnished his political future.

The once-New York “superstar”, Cuomo, has been accused of sexual harassment or unwanted sexual advances by multiple women while STILL under fire over his handling of nursing home deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Suddenly, the former media darling is facing strong calls to step down from critics on both sides of the aisle and NY lawmakers have moved to repeal his executive powers.

What a difference a year and a few scandals make.

New York Times media columnist Ben Smith apparently deleted an old tweet that declared,” All Andrew Cuomo’s worst qualities are serving him and New York, well.”

CNN editor-at-large Chris Cillizza has completely changed his tune on the “Love Guv,” too. Cillizza, who once suggested Cuomo could be the “single most popular politician in America” and “the most important voice in the coronavirus crisis.”

Cillizza wrote last year, “Andrew Cuomo said he’ll never run for president. That’s a mistake.”

Cillizza received the top spot when columnist Drew Holden recently ranked the worst Cuomo takes. “Cillizza’s fangirlish coverage stands alone as the most egregious,” Holden wrote.

However, Cillizza doesn’t appear to be a huge fan of Cuomo anymore. On Monday he published a feature headlined, “Andrew Cuomo is trying to stall on sexual harassment allegations. It won’t work.”

“The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah made a self-deprecating joke about his own past admiration for Cuomo on Monday, dedicating a portion of his show to mocking the politician he once fawned over.

After mocking the governor’s multiple scandals, Noah winked at the fact that he once considered himself a “Cuomosexual.”

“And I’ll tell you man, all those people who praised Cuomo so highly last year, those people really don’t look so smart now,” he said before looking off-camera and demanding that someone “delete the tapes!”  

“I mean, it must be so embarrassing, can you imagine if you’re one of those people?” he added, before demanding the off-camera person “burn” the tapes.

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