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Trump Drops Capitol Riot Bombshell: He Requested 10K National Guard To Protect Capitol On Jan 6 But Got Denied By NANCY PELOSI

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President Trump just dropped a major bombshell that would not only exonerate himself of the incitement claims made by Democrats, but put the blame squarely on Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats.

Trump said he requested 10k National Guard members be deployed before the Jan. 6th riot because he was concerned about the potential crowd size next to the Capitol. But his request was denied by Pelosi and other leaders responsible for the Capitol, purely because of “optics”:

NEWSMAX – Former President Donald Trump says he was concerned days before the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol about the size of the crowd expected near the Capitol and requested 10,000 National Guard troops to be deployed, but that his request was rejected because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other leaders did not like the optics.

“I requested, I said this rally will be bigger than anything thinks,” Trump told Fox News’ Steve Hilton on “The Revolution” Sunday night, in an interview airing after his CPAC speech. “Everyone said we’ll be at the rally. It was, I think, the largest crowd that I have ever spoken to before. I have spoken to big crowds, hundreds of thousands of people, more than that, but hundreds of thousands of people.”

Trump said he “gave the number” to the Department of Defense that 10,000 members of the National Guard would be needed.

“They took that number, from what I understand, they gave it to people at the Capitol, that is controlled by Pelosi, and I heard they rejected it because they didn’t think it would look good,” said Trump.

Meanwhile, according to Jane Campbell, the president and CEO of the U..S. Capitol Historical society, Capitol Complex security is the direct responsibility of a four-member Capitol Police Board, which includes both the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms, who report to the leaders of those chambers, reports PolitiFact.

Paul Irving, who had been the House sergeant-at-arms at the time of the attack, Michael Stenger, the Senate’s sergeant-at-arms, and Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund all resigned after the attack.

According to reports from The Washington Post and The New York Times, Irving told Sund he didn’t want troops at the Capitol on Jan. 6 because of “bad optics.”

Pelosi’s office and the Defense Department have not immediately responded to Trump’s comments, reports Fox News.

The leaders of those chambers at the time would have been Pelosi and McConnell. You can I’m sure Irving wouldn’t have made a move without Pelosi’s orders. As for Mitch, we don’t know what part he may have played in this.

Trump also said he wasn’t watching what happened on television in real time, like Mitch suggested:

Trump also told Hilton that he “hated” to see what unfolded at the Capitol, but denied that he was watching the events unfold on television in real time and compared the riot to unrest that took place in cities such as Portland and Seattle last summer.

I wonder if the House will hold a hearing on why Pelosi rejected the request for National Guard troops that would have most certainly prevented the Capitol riot. Maybe they should discuss impeaching her! Nah, they wouldn’t want their precious leader to get any of the blame when they are still trying to destroy Trump.

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