

Oreo Jumps On The Woke Train, Sends Out Tweet Just To Say “Trans People Exist”

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The culture wars have reached the dessert table.

Oreo joined the trend of large companies venturing into political commentary Thursday afternoon, when the cookie company arbitrarily offered up their view on gender politics.

The Nabisco cookie brand did not offer any type of explanation either for what provoked the company to send such a message or why they thought it was a wise business decision to wade into divisive cultural battles.

The three-word declaration followed a day of contentious debate on Capitol Hill, where President Biden’s nominee to become the Health and Human Services deputy secretary, Rachel Levine, is poised to become the highest-ranking transgender person to be approved for a position by the United States Senate. Levine faced bruising questions from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), probing the nominee’s position on hormone treatments for children.

Whatever the motivation for Oreo, the tweet did not go over well in many quarters. Several responded with frustration at the politicization of something as simple as a cookie.

Even apparent supporters saw the tweet not as a sign of solidarity, but as a brazen attempt to say something culturally trendy in order to sell more of their product.

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