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NY Times Calls For Biden To Be Fully Fascist, Appoint “Reality Czar” To Censor Information

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The Left-wing media has dropped their fight against “fascism” and have now wholeheartedly embraced it.

The New York Times has amplified claims by “experts” who are calling for Joe Biden to appoint a “reality czar,” prompting critics to compare the idea to the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984.

In an article entitled ‘How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis’, the NYT’s Kevin Roose cites “experts” who are calling on “the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a “reality czar.”

The job of this “reality czar” would be to head up “a centralized task force could coordinate a single, strategic response” to things like COVID-related and election fraud “conspiracy theories.”

“This task force could also meet regularly with tech platforms, and push for structural changes that could help those companies tackle their own extremism and misinformation problems. (For example, it could formulate “safe harbor” exemptions that would allow platforms to share data about QAnon and other conspiracy theory communities with researchers and government agencies without running afoul of privacy laws.) And it could become the tip of the spear for the federal government’s response to the reality crisis,” states the article.

“Ah, the Ministry of Truth. I’ve been waiting for this one,” responded Raheem Kassam.

While the Orwell comparison has become something of a cliché, in this instance its the best available.

In the book, the Ministry of Truth decides what is “truth” in Oceania no matter what the actual truth may be, and exercises this monopoly over reality by falsifying the nature of historical events.

The Ministry of Truth also uses this power monopoly to redefine the very word “truth” under the rubric of Newspeak, so “truth” becomes whatever the government-approved version of events is in that moment.

What the “experts” cited by the New York Times are calling for and what Orwell portrayed in his book are so similar, even Kevin Roose admits, “It sounds a little dystopian.”

But if “conspiracy theories” really do pose a deadly threat to society, who is responsible for pushing the most egregious disinformation?

The NY Times itself has pushed false information and conspiracies around the shootings of Michael Brown and the Russian collusion hoax, but I am sure they won’t be held accountable by the “Reality Czar” they are calling for.

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