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Biden Broke A HUGE Promise And His Supporters Are PISSED!

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Liberals have perfected the art of outrage if you can believe such an art exists. They have weaponized and polished the sometimes daily ritual of drama and public outcry that it has developed into a cultural movement.

Democrats sought to capitalize on the outrage culture as they launched a full-on political assault against former President Donald Trump. However, if Biden foolishly believed that he’d be immune to the slings and arrows of the outrage culture, he most certainly sees the error of his thinking!

President Joe Biden rode into Washington on a wave of big promises to the left.

But the lifetime politician has already engaged in the age-old practice of breaking those promises.

He’s being called out by liberal groups for failing to deliver on a major plank in his immigration reform platform, and that’s the reunification of children separated from their families at the border.

More than 500 children who were separated from their parents during illegal border crossings remain in U.S. custody, many living here with relatives.

The Trump administration was working under court order to find those parents – many of whom had returned to their own countries in Central America, making them difficult to track.

The issue became a key Biden talking point during the campaign and the debates, including a battleground-state ad vowing “first-day” action on the matter, with a video tugging at heartstrings as Biden speaks of children “ripped from their arms and separated.”

Biden called the act “criminal.”

Then came the big promise: “On his first day as president, Joe Biden will issue an executive order creating a federal task force to reunite these children with their parents,” the narrator promised.


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