

WATCH: Biden Dodges Question About His Job-Killing Executive Orders — Simply WALKS AWAY From Reporters

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Joe Biden has been in office for barely two weeks and he is already destroying jobs under the banner of climate change.

He was asked about this by a reporter this week and instead of providing an answer, he just walked away.

He is sending a message that’s loud and clear. He doesn’t care.

Red State reports:

Watch: Biden Walks Away When Asked About the Sacrifices He’s Forcing On Americans

President Joe Biden came into office signing a lot of executive orders on day one, one of which involved killing off construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, immediately killing thousands of jobs.

What does Biden have to say about it?

As he’s shown us, he’s not going to explain himself but what he will do is give you a cold shoulder as he walks away.

Watch this clip taken from the Washington Post and posted by the GOP War Room’s YouTube account, where Biden is clearly asked about the sacrifices he’s asking Americans to make, and he clearly doesn’t bother to answer, and instead, retreating out of the room while putting on his mask.

“Sir, what sacrifices are you asking Americans to make?” asked the reporter very clearly as an aid thanks reporters in an effort to cut them off.

Watch the video below:

It’s amazing how comfortable Biden and the Democrats are with the idea of destroying jobs.

With thousands of jobs killed in only his first week, it’s unfathomable to think of the destruction he will do in 4 years.

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