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Biden’s Latest Executive Order Bans The Use Of The Term “China Virus”

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Given that the COVID-19 virus originated in Wuhan, China, and the precedent of using place of origin within the names of viruses, it would only make sense that we would use the term “China virus” to describe COVID-19.

Not Anymore, you racist!

The latest of Joe Biden’s THIRTY SEVEN executive orders signed in the first week of his presidency states that the term ‘Chinese virus’ or ‘China virus’ is now banned.

Yes, this is real.

The White House website confirms that Biden signed this EO.

CBS News reported ‘Biden to address racism toward Asian Americans during pandemic with executive action’.

The report notes that “The Biden executive order is also expected to direct federal agencies like the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to examine whether there are xenophobic references like “China virus” in any existing policies, directives or government websites published by the Trump administration.”

NBC News lists all the executive actions Biden has instigated thus far, with the last being the ban on the term ‘China Virus’. The report notes that “additionally, the order directed the attorney general to work to prevent discrimination and hate crimes.”

Given that literally anything is now being touted as a ‘hate crime’, that could mean banning or canceling absolutely everyone and everything.

Funny enough, Biden admitted back in October that anyone who legislates by executive order should be considered ‘a dictator’. And if you weren’t paying attention, he’s shattered records on the number of E.O. in his first week.

Biden appears not to know what he is actually signing, and can barely hold the pen:

After managing to stuff the pen in his pants, Biden then babbled on about the wearing of face masks, for which he has already issued multiple executive mandates.

Biden said that a Congressman told him to “kiss my ear, I’m not wearing a mask”.

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