

IDIOCY: Rashida Tlaib Whines ‘Evil’ Israel Responsible For Getting Palestine Vaccinated

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Rashida Tlaib continues to be one of the more detestable members of Congress. She’s an open anti-Semite, having made common cause with terrorist sympathizers throughout her career. Her disdain for Israel is always at the forefront of her politics, and that hasn’t changed with COVID. She can spin just about anything into a disgusting accusation toward the Jewish state.

Here’s Tlaib blaming Israel for not vaccinating Palestinians fast enough.

You know, this is really weird. Tlaib has continually vilified Israel, calling them racist and insisting that the Palestinians are the rightful owners of Israeli land. She also supports the corrupt hodgepodge of Palestinian leadership, if not directly, at least by her complete omission of criticism toward them.  Everything, and I mean everything, is the fault of the Jews (insert elongated, reverberated voice here) in her eyes. That’s part of the whole being an anti-Semite thing she’s got going on.

The Palestinians have a government, as tyrannical and gross as it is. They even supposedly have the support of many Arab nations, though that has dwindled thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump. If Israel is so evil, why is it their job to enter the Palestinian territories and provide vaccinations for the Palestinians? Shouldn’t Hamas be taking care of that? Or the Palestinian Authority? Perhaps their allies in Turkey can ship some doses over?


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