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With Only 13 Days Left, Pelosi Wants To Beat A Dead Horse And Waste All Efforts On A Pointless Impeachment

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The most despicable Nancy Pelosi is now demanding that VP Mike Pence and Trump’s cabinet invoke the 25th amendment to remove Trump from office, or she says Congress will move to impeach him:

Pelosi claims that “the President of the United States incited an armed insurrection against America.” What a bunch of damnable lies.

Trump did no such thing and what happened yesterday wasn’t an ‘armed insurrection’, much less an insurrection at all. It was a riot and most certainly egregious. But to call it an ‘armed insurrection’ is just pushing a political narrative that in no way bears reality.

I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t hear all of Trump’s speech yesterday, but telling people to go to the Capitol to protest is not the same thing as telling people to fight cops, to swarm and infiltrate the Capitol. Trump supporters are known for protesting peacefully, so what happened yesterday was unexpected to say the least.

But they are blaming Trump for it as a pretext to silence him and his supporters. They want to destroy Trump’s movement and it starts with getting him removed from office. They want to intimidate anyone who has supported him in the past into cowering wimps that will now disassociate with him.

It’s disgusting, but they think they have momentum to deal a final blow to Trump and his supporters. And now that they control the Senate, they might just impeach him once and for all. This would mean that Trump couldn’t run again in the future, which is what this is really all about.

UPDATE: This is kinda funny, which must be why she chose to speak out just now. Pence wouldn’t take her call:


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