

WATCH: Statistician Finds Evidence Of “Breathtaking Systemic Fraud” In Arizona Election Results

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Arizona has become the latest state to join with Texas in a lawsuit against Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia being taken to the Supreme Court.

However, Arizona may have their own problems to deal with. A statistician has discovered what he says is “breathtaking systemic fraud” in the election data from the state.

Statistician Bobby Piton was interviewed and he discussed his findings on Arizona fraudulent vote tallies this year.  His introduction is summarized as follows:

Absolutely breathtaking systemic [sp] fraud is what I see when I look at Arizona’s results.  The number of ballots cast was 3,420,565 in 2020 versus 1,037,550 in 1998.  The Great  State of Arizona had 2,383,015 MORE people vote in 2020 vs 1998.

The number of people in the Great State of Arizona grew by 1,756,241 by my estimate.  The Bogus estimate is showing that the population of the State grew by 2,216,503. WOW. This is SUPER DUPER IMPRESSIVE.

The Great State of Arizona had every SINGLE NEW PERSON added to its population VOTE – 100% of all new Arizonans that entered the State since 1998 voted (so no one under 18 must have entered) + 166,511 More People Voted than the population growth; hence the creation of Phantom Sleeper Voters.

You can view the full interview below, but it may be removed soon as YouTube has begun censoring videos revealing evidence of voter fraud.

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