

BREAKING: More States Join Texas Election Lawsuit To Fight Election Fraud — Over 1/3rd Of US States Now Involved

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With the latest addition of Arizona, a total of 19 states are headed to the Supreme Court to challenge the elections held in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia.

The Texas lawsuit argues that the swing states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin violated their duties under the US Constitution, by illegally altering legislated election laws, treating voters unequally, and allowing numerous voting irregularities to take place as a result.

Much of the argument rests on the election laws changed regarding mail-in ballots, where executives, such as the Secretaries of State, pulled back the deadlines for the acceptance of these ballots, with some dates even being after November 3rd itself. These changes were enacted unilaterally, without the consent of the legislature.

Arizona joined the lawsuit on Thursday, meaning 19 states in total are now suing Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich confirmed that they had filed an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court in a statement:

It’s important that everyone has faith in the system and the results of the election. The rule of law is about consistency and certainty. I believe Arizona wasn’t named in the lawsuit because our office successfully prevent many of the same troubling and last-minute changes to our state’s election integrity laws. Our legal filing ensures Arizona’s interests are protected, and I look forward to the Supreme Court addressing these national election concerns.

The statement came only hours after the Arizona GOP tagged Brnovich in a tweet about the states who had already joined Texas in the lawsuit with SCOTUS briefs. “What about Arizona, @GeneralBrnovich?” the AZ GOP account tweeted.

Arizona has come under scrutiny itself for problems with the election, including the SharpieGate controversy, where Republican voters allege that voting machines would not tabulate their votes correctly due to being forced to use Sharpies, as opposed to ballpoint pens. However, they did not do anything that would qualify them for being sued in the same way as the four other states.

President Trump himself had filed a motion to intervene in the lawsuit within his personal capacity as a presidential candidate seeking re-election.

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