

Biden Effort Caught Illegally BRIBING Native Americans To Vote For Biden With Gift Cards And Jewelry

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The level of alleged corruption in the 2020 election keeps getting bigger and stranger.

It’s bad enough that people may have manufactured votes, but what about buying them with gifts?

There is now a claim that some Native Americans were offered gift cards and jewelry by Democrat operatives to vote.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Pro-Biden effort offered Native Americans $25-$500 Visa gift cards and jewelry to vote

Key Native American leaders working with the Biden campaign offered tribal members and associates Visa gift cards, jewelry, and other “swag” to vote in the presidential election, according to several videos being used by the Trump campaign’s effort to challenge Nevada’s vote.

In one long video, officials from the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony are shown offering a raffle for gift cards in values of $25, $100, $250, and $500 to those who can prove they voted.

Other gifts for voting include bracelets, necklaces, earrings, T-shirts, and masks.

“If you come here to vote or if you voted already, RSIC is having a raffle,” said RSIC spokeswoman Bethany Sam in one of the videos.

She also said, there are “a lot of great things to push you guys to get out here to vote, challenge you go get you out here to vote.”

In the same video, she is shown wearing a Biden-Harris anti-virus mask and in front of the Biden-Harris campaign bus.

Here’s the video:

This is grotesque.

This entire election has been a disgrace.

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