

Liberal’s Fulfill Orwell’s Prophecy, Media Already Attempting To Erase President Trump

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I’m literally sickened by the actions of some in the main stream media, leftists and their minions in the education system that are seeking to rewrite history and ostracize anyone that supported President Donald Trump. Regardless of where anyone stands politically, everyone should oppose these un-American tactics and disinformation war against the Commander-in- Chief.

The media, however, along with the help of powerful tech giants, are doing everything in their power to control the narrative of the Trump administration and by doing so change the history of our nation.

Look at this headline from Yahoo. It is the first headline from the publication’s Friday story revealing Donald Trump Jr’s diagnosis with COVID-19: Former reality TV show host’s son tests positive for COVID-19, by Patrick Gomez.

What an insult to the American people and to President Trump. Yes, he is still the president of the United States. What was the point of this headline and others like this but to slowly rewrite history and to erase this President and the administration’s achievements.- READ MORE

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