

Tone Deaf Or Just Ironic? Biden Calls On Architect Of ‘Children In Cages’ To LEAD Homeland Security

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Remember when leftists pretended that they cared about migrant children being put into cages? It was one of their favorite attacks on the Trump administration’s efforts to curb illegal immigration. 

But apparently, they were just kidding about the whole “we’re mad about kids being locked in cages” thing. Of course, we already knew their outrage was fake when most on the left refused to condemn the Obama administration for pioneering the practice. However, Biden’s pick to lead the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) should elicit outrage from progressives who complained about the kids in cages. 

Former vice president Joe Biden is tapping Alejandro Mayorkas to head DHS, which would mean he would be in charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, among other agencies. But Mayorkas, an immigrant from Cuba, has a history that should be troubling for the open borders crowd. The Washington Times reported that “Mr. Mayorkas also was part of Homeland Security’s response to the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) surge from 2014 and the subsequent family surge.”

From the Times:

“He also was deputy secretary, under Secretary Jeh Johnson, when the department grappled with the first surge of migrant children and families in 2014 and 2015. The department dramatically expanded family detention — from 100 beds to 3,000 — and built the chain-link fence pens, now derided as ‘cages,’ used to hold immigrants who were in the country illegally at the border.”

So, Mayorkas was actively involved in the Obama administration’s policy of putting migrant families, including children, into cages at the border. 


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