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It Turns Out That There Are Things Worse Than Kamala Harris Talking

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In a sad preview of what we can expect should America make the horrendous mistake of elevating the Harris/Biden administration to the highest office in the land, Kamala Harris recently delivered a somewhat disturbing speech talk declaration edict to America. 

But it wasn’t so much what Harris said, as what she didn’t say

Giving her best Dictatress performance, Harris went all microphone drop following her lambasting of the Trump administration for choosing to follow the Constitution and fill the vacancy created by the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Dawn B. Vaughan was covering the event for “The News Observer” and tweeted the following

In what is becoming a pattern for the very few Kamala Harris events, the woman wanting to convince America how prepared she is to assume the mantle of national leadership declined to take questions after reading her somewhat smarmy speech from a teleprompter

Of course, keeping a tight rein on Harris and severely limiting her public appearances makes good sense. Writing on Breitbart, Robert Kraychik talks about possible reasons the controversial Harris has been kept under wraps

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign minimizes Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D-CA) public exposure due to Harris’s lack of charisma, alienation of moderate voters, and exposure of the former vice president’s weak mental and physical condition, said Peter Schweizer, author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, and senior contributor at Breitbart News.

It seems that wandering off-camera without answering questions is a mainstay of the Biden campaign

The avoidance of questions by both Harris and Biden is nothing new; their campaign has shown an aversion to any type of scrutiny that is somewhat problematic for a Presidential ticket. Although Biden has appeared in a plethora of television ads (over 100,000,000 dollars worth), plastering the airwaves and the Internet with misleading commercials does little to inform the country about your potential policies and plans.

The Democratic challengers certainly aren’t shy about criticizing the actions of the President, but they do so while being extremely reluctant to reveal any plans that they might have. Broad generalities like “I’m going to cure cancer” and “I’ll create millions and billions of new jobs” offer very little in the way of substance.

Our media may be fooled by all of this, and some of them may actually be accomplices in keeping the Democratic agenda hidden from the American people, but at least one person isn’t fooled by all the chicanery

America should keep this guy around

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