
You Can’t Fix Stupid: Angry Kenosha Mobs Burn Down Majority Black Business District

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Protesters ended up torching many black-owned businesses when they went on a rampage over the weekend in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after police shot Jacob Blake, who is black.

“Arsonists set buildings ablaze and torched much of the Black business district in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during a second night of unrest sparked by the wounding of a Black man shot in the back by police as his three young sons looked on,” Reuters reported on Tuesday. It continued:

Local police, who had support from National Guard troops, fired tear gas, rubber bullets and smoke bombs to disperse the crowd, which grew to several hundred, according to protester Porche Bennett, 31, of Kenosha. Fires destroyed much of the Black business district, Bennett said, adding that the instigators she saw were white. “It’s people from out of town doing this. We’ve been shopping there since we were kids and they set it on fire,” Bennett said.

A graphic video has been making the rounds on social media, depicting Blake walking around the front of an SUV and getting into the driver’s side when police opened fire. – READ MORE

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