

Alyssa Milano CAUGHT LYING About Having Covid-19 To Attack Trump

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Crazy D-Lister Alyssa Milano has been posting on her Instagram and going on TV to attack President Trump by claiming that she has been “very sick” with Covid-19.

People Magazine even covered it:

However, Milano wrote that she continued to live with “lingering symptoms like, vertigo, stomach abnormalities, irregular periods, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, zero short term memory, and general malaise” for the past four months and decided to take another antibody test at a lab where blood is drawn to be sure of her diagnosis.

“I am POSITIVE for covid antibodies,” she shared, posting a screenshot of her latest test results. “I had Covid19.”

Milano went on to explain that she’s going public with her experience to let fans know “that our testing system is flawed and we don’t know the real numbers.”

“I also want you to know, this illness is not a hoax. I thought I was dying. It felt like I was dying,” she said.

Felt like she was dying.

Alrighty then.

And PLEASE STOP with the hoax. Nobody has called the damn thing a hoax.

However, internet sleuths have pointed out discrepancies in her story and timeline.

Uh oh…

A few days before her April 2 photo.

Big thanks for doing the dirty work for us, man.

You would think someone who felt like they were DYING would appear a bit sicker, ya’ know?

We can’t tell if the shirt is the same but both are floral.

Hard to say.

But that same day where she posted the photo of herself in the gasmask she was pretty busy on Twitter.

She wrote a whole thread shaming Bernie supporters.

No, we’re not going to share the whole thread … talk about painful.


Now, it’s totally possible she felt like she ‘was dying’ but could still tweet BUT the timeline just doesn’t really fit with someone claiming they were ‘sick like they’d never been sick before.’

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