

BLM Protester Who Led Attack On NY Baptist Church Works For Mayor’s Office — Previously Convicted Of Nearly Beating Gay Man To Death

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Yesterday we reported about a Black Lives Matter mob that stormed and attacked parishioners of a Baptist Church in New York. We have learned today that the ringleader of the mob is a man by the name of Lukee Forbes, who just so happens to work for Albany NY Mayor Kathy Sheehan.

On Sunday, a small group of BLM activists stormed the small church in an attempt to take over the service, with one calling an usher boy a “dumb f*ck” as the rest begin to chant “Black Lives Matter.”

Supported by the media, pop culture and corporate America, the radically left Black Lives Matter movement knows no bounds, and they regularly take control of streets in one Democrat-run city after another.

But churches appear to be a new domain.

The church, under fire last month for an AR-15 giveaway, saw members pulled from its steps Sunday and pummeled by the violent BLM activists:

A Tweet identifies a ringleader of the mob as Lukee Forbes, who the social media user said works for Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan — Forbes is reportedly a program assistant for the city.

The Albany Times Union identified Forbes, who has a violent criminal past, as a vocal advocate in the region’s Black Lives Matter movement.

The paper featured him in an article Monday: “Lukee is a speaker and lecturer who mentors and outreaches to young people by sharing his personal story of redemption.”

Yet, from a 2014 Times Union article:

For the second time in four years, Lukee Forbes is headed to prison for being part of the near-deadly beating of a man with a tree limb.

A judge sentenced Forbes, 19, to 3 to 9 years in prison on Wednesday for the vicious July 13, 2010, attack on Louis Stelling, then 30 years old, near Morris and Robin streets. Stelling was beaten and robbed as he walked home from the 2010 Capital Pride Parade during gay pride week.

To be clear, the church has black members. In the video below, a black family must be escorted through the raging mob to attend service:

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