

House Passes $1.5T ‘Infrastructure’ Bill – Let’s Just Call It Green New Deal 2.0

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On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed a massive $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill packed with Democrats’ climate wish-list items. Democrats passed the bill 233-188 on a mostly party-line vote. Much of the funding tied to actual transportation measures — $500 billion — is tied to green measures requiring states to set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for mitigation as if an unspecified climate catastrophe were on the immediate horizon.

President Donald Trump slammed the bill, H.R. 2, as “full of wasteful ‘Green New Deal’ initiatives.”

“Naturally this nonsense is not going anywhere in the Senate,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) insisted.

“Predictably, this is what follows the federal government’s decision to forcibly shut down large sections of the economy and then spend massive, unprecedented amounts of money for compensation. The concept of fiscal responsibility no longer exists in Washington, D.C., even to a small degree,” James Taylor, president of the Heartland Institute, said in a statement on the bill.

“This partisan Democratic wish list of leftist priorities treats the American economy as if it runs on Monopoly money. Not only is this bill partisan and divisive, but it would dramatically and needlessly accelerate the financial ruin of this country,” Taylor added. – READ MORE

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