

Sleepy Joe Repackages Hillary’s ‘Basket Of Deplorables’

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In an interview discussion today Biden literally claimed today that 10 to 15 percent of Americans “are just not very good people”:

Here’s more:

DAILY MAIL – Vice President Joe Biden said in a discussion of the George Floyd killing that a large substantial share of Americans are not ‘very good people’ – as he tried to condemn President Trump but potentially opened himself up to attack.

‘The words a president says matter. So when a president stands up and divides people all the time, you’re going to get the worst of us to come out. The worst insult to com out.’ Biden said.

But he also extended his critique far beyond a small slice of the country. ‘Do we really think this is as good as we can be as a nation? I don’t think the vast majority of people think that,’ he continued.

‘There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there that are just not very good people. But that’s not who we are. The vast majority of the people are decent, and we have to appeal to that and we have to unite people — bring them together,’ Trump said.

His remarks recalled a gaffe by Hillary Clinton during the 2016 elections, where she said half of Trump’s supporters could be put in a ‘basket of deplorables.’ It was a comment that the Trump campaign was able to weaponize as the candidates were battling it out in critical swing states, and that Clinton had to walk back.

I’m guessing Biden just shot this out before he did that math on it, because he’s literally saying that between 30 and 50 MILLION Americans are not very good Americans. That’s a lot of Americans.

For comparison, just over 2 million people are currently in American prisons.

So how does Biden self-correct on this? If he says he just didn’t do his math correctly, it’s going to make him look like the senile old guy who can’t think on his feet anymore, which is what most people are worried is true.

If he really means what he says, that between 30 and 50 MILLION Americans are not very good Americans, then good look winning the election with that.


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