

Mika Brzezinski Loses It In Unhinged Rant Attempting To Get Trump Banned From Twitter

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Mika Brzezinski has completely lost it and gone on an unhinged rant with a string of Twitter posts vowing to “get Trump banned” from the platform.

Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe with her husband Joe Scarborough, tweeted Wednesday morning she would be “reaching out to the head of Twitter” to get President Trump banned from Twitter, saying, “the world world (sic) be safer.” Trump and the the Morning Joe couple have been in a long running feud since the 2016 election, with both sides taking deeply personal shots at each other.

Brezinski also berated Trump on Wednesday’s Morning Joe:

Brzezinski went on a multi-tweet tirade:

“.@twitter need to know why trump is not banned?”

“I will be reaching out to head of twitter about their policies being violated every day by President Tump. Hope my call is taken. Please retweet if you agree”

“@Twitter what is you responsibility in this?? Please retweet”

“.@jack please take my call today. Please stop allowing your platform policies to be abused by the day. It’s called libel.”

“.@jack At what point is @Twitter a part of this? TAKE DOWN TRUMP’s ACCOUNT— the world world be safer. Retweet if you agree”

Brzezinski retweeted Democratic Part activist Adrienne Elrod who agrees with her.

“It continues to baffle many of us why Trump is allowed to remain on Twitter, after continuously spreading lies and dangerous disinformation.”

Brzenski was triggered Wednesday by Trump’s raising again of the July 19, 2001 death of 28-year-old staffer Lori Klausutis, whose body was found in the Florida district office of then Rep. Scarborough (R-FL). Klausustis’ death was ruled an accident due to an underlying medical condition that caused her to pass out and hit her head. Scarborough had surprisingly announced he would be resigning from Congress several months before in May to spend time with his family. (Link to background article from 2015.)

Trump’s tweets that triggered Brzezinski:

“I said NO to a deal, Lou. If I would be willing to re-remember……they would recommend no jail time, & I said NO. This President needs to be re-elected, Lou. One of the greatest Presidents in my lifetime. I would never give false testimony against him.” Roger Stone @LouDobbs”

“….Roger Stone has been treated very unfairly. How about that jury Forewoman, does anybody think that was fair. DISGRACEFUL! Stay tuned. @FoxNews And guys like Low Ratings Psycho Joe Scarborough are allowed to walk the streets? Open Cold Case!”

Brzezinski announced a phone call with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Twitter’s general counsel has been arranged:

“A call is being set up with @jack and the GC. Thanks for your interest. I will keep you posted”

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