

Despicable NY Dem Wants To Prevent Medical Workers From Obtaining PPE Just To Spite Trump

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A Democratic congressional candidate questioned whether securing medical supplies vital to combating the coronavirus was “worth” working with President Donald Trump.

Perry Gershon, a Long Island businessman challenging GOP incumbent Rep. Lee Zeldin (N.Y.), acknowledged that the Republican has successfully obtained personal protective equipment (PPE) for his district during a virtual town hall in April. But Gershon questioned whether obtaining the life-saving equipment was “worth” working with Trump, saying Zeldin is “essentially bowing down” to the president.

“I think sincerely Zeldin has helped bring PPE here,” Gershon said after a supporter asked if the equipment obtained by Zeldin was “actually being distributed.”

“But I ask the question, is it worth essentially bowing down to Donald Trump and being part of his society where he rewards the people who say good things about him and he penalizes the people who don’t?”

Gershon, a former commercial real estate lender, is again running to unseat Zeldin after losing to the Republican by 6 points in 2018. Trump won the district by 12 points in 2016, but national Democrats see the tighter midterm margins as evidence that the president has lost support in the New York suburbs. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee released a digital ad in January tying Zeldin to Trump after the president suggested he would consider cutting entitlement programs. Gershon took the strategy a step further in April when he attempted to deflect Zeldin’s bipartisan coronavirus work and link it to Trump. – READ MORE

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