

Pelosi CONFESSES: Democrat Bill Would Require ‘Endless’ Mountain Of Government Spending

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi occasionally allows her veil to slip and show the true side of herself and her party, and it is not pretty.

Tuesday was just such an occasion when, on the heels of introducing a ridiculous $3 trillion stimulus bill, she appeared on CNN and spoke to Jake Tapper.

“I know you’ve unveiled a $3 trillion relief bill that would include billions for testing. Were you satisfied by the administration’s pledge this morning of 40 to 50 million tests a month, if necessary, by September?” Tapper asked.

But he had to know the answer to the question before he ever spoke it.

There is no chance that anything President Donald Trump does is going to be good enough for Pelosi and her cohorts.

“It has to be at least double that, maybe 2.5 times that. And the sooner we do it, the better. It is a decision to open up the economy — testing, tracing, treatment, isolation if necessary,” she replied.

“We have put that forth in our bill with everything that goes with it, and with the ethic, value that it’s going to be there for everyone, not only the testing, the tracing and the treatment, but also whatever vaccine or therapies God sends us and science produces, that they will be accessible to everyone in our country as well,” Pelosi went on.

Then Tapper questioned her on Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s statement that the bill is a “liberal wish list” of items.

“He knows that what he said isn’t so,” she said. “But, putting that aside, I can’t be bothered about what others say.”

“What I’m concerned, what I’m proud of is what we are doing. And the fact is that, in all four of the bills that have passed before, they’ve all been bipartisan. And we all in our caucus have agreed that everything is coronavirus-centric and also in a timely way that relates to the virus,” she continued.

“It’s too deadly to our lives, to our livelihood, to our democracy for us to use it for any other purpose. So, the money for state and local is to allay the cost of the — defray the cost of the outlays they’ve made for coronavirus and the revenue lost because of the coronavirus — testing, testing.

“The three pillars: Honor our heroes by supporting our state and local entities, so that they don’t lose their jobs, these heroes don’t lose their jobs, open up government by testing, tracing, treatment, et cetera. And the third is putting money in the pockets of the American people, all of it timed and centric to the coronavirus.

“It would be an endless amount of money if we put our wish list for the future in there. But that is not what the case is,” she said.

And that, folks, is where the truth shows. If Democrats had their way and got everything they wanted, it would cost an endless stream of taxpayer money.

The United States government took in a total of approximately $3.3 trillion for the 2018 fiscal year (and it is estimated that it will take in $3.71 trillion in FY 2020) and the fact that Pelosi is saying that a $3 trillion bill would not even scratch the surface of what they want to do is terrifying.

Never mind the fact that she has proposed a bill, on top of the previous stimulus, that puts the government well above what it takes in annually.

Not $3 trillion, or $4 trillion or $10 trillion would ever be enough for a party that is beginning to look more communist than Democratic.

Via WesternJournal

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