

The Only Upside To Coronavirus? Democrats Can’t Canvas Door To Door!

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California Democrats hoping to spread their liberal ideas to neighboring Arizona in the upcoming election are complaining that the coronavirus pandemic has frustrated a coordinated effort at flipping the state blue.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday that Democrats, mostly residing in the San Francisco Bay area, have lamented how the spread of the virus across the country has halted their efforts to push Arizona to the left.

The Democrat group Swing Left had big plans to target Arizona with “caravans” of hundreds of volunteers who would meet people face-to-face and try to persuade them to vote for the same policies that saw so many Californians relocate to Arizona in the first place.

But the would-be canvassers haven’t gotten the chance; the coronavirus has relegated them to peddling their agenda from home.

“The pandemic forced the cancellation of eight more planned for the spring. Organizers said momentum was building just before everyone had to shelter in place, as more than 200 people from across California made two weekend trips to the desert in February,” the Chronicle reported.

The caravan plans were dashed, and now Democrats are working to use technology and older methods of communication to reach potential Democratic voters.

A new campaign called “Canvassing from Your Couch” will see Democrats in California text, call and write letters to Arizonans until November.

Apparently, California Democrats believe that since so many of them have already fled the Golden State’s oppressive policies and expensive cost of living for the sanctuary of the desert, all they need to do is increase canvassing efforts from home to swing the state to the left.

The endgame is to defeat conservatism and change the face of the electorate in the once-reliably red state.

But the Chronicle, citing advice from left-wing operatives inside Arizona, warns California Democrats that the politics of Arizona are not like those of its western neighbor, at least not yet.


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