

Biden Accuser, Tara Reade, Forced To CANCEL Fox News Interview After Receiving DEATH THREATS To Her And Her Child

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The Democrats are doing everything possible to squelch the Tara Reade scandal, even going as far as threatening to kill her and her child.

The woman who accused former Vice President Joe Biden of sexual assault reportedly canceled a planned interview with Fox News Sunday.

Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer who accused the presidential candidate of sexually assaulting her in 1993, reportedly canceled a tentative interview with Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, which was scheduled to be recorded on Friday and aired on Sunday.

“We never confirmed the interview or the New York Times story, and we don’t provide details on the booking process,” a Fox News representative toldEdward-Isaac Dovere, a staff writer at the Atlantic.

“Fox News had been very excited about booking Reade, given that it would have been her first network television interview. Wallace was getting ready for the conversation. There’s consternation internally that it isn’t happening,” Dovere reported in a series of tweets.

Reade told a New York Times reporter that she canceled the interview because of death threats both she and her daughter are facing because of their willingness to speak out.

Reade, 56, has voiced concerns about the potential of Republicans using her story to politicize the issue of sexual assault. “What I would say about Republicans using this story is please don’t politicize it,” Reade told the Washington Examiner in an interview Monday. “There are many people who identify with Republican politics that have that are also survivors and have also been silenced.”

“If they want to talk about sexual assault, sexual harassment in a general way, then this would be the time to have a general conversation. That has nothing to do with being Democrat or Republican, but just to empower women to be safer in their workplaces and safer in general,” Reade also said.

Reade, who was a lifelong Democrat, says she has never been a supporter of President Trump, but that she is no longer a Democrat.

According to Reade, Biden forced himself upon her in the spring of 1993, kissing her and penetrating her with his fingers without her consent. Biden, along with his three office staffers, has denied the claim.

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