

Pelosi Announces She Will Hold Up EVERY Stimulus Bill Until They Get Mail-In Voting, Ripe For Voter Fraud

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is looking at a future round of coronavirus response legislation to fund Democrats’ plan to force Americans to accept mail-it-in elections.

During a Friday interview on MSNBC, Pelosi said  “much more than” $400 million will be in the next bill so that “every person registered to vote” will receive a ballot at home.

Pelosi used the interview to attack President Donald Trump and his reluctance to pump more money into the U.S. Postal Service.

“The president wants to privatize the Post Office,” she said, about the 6:25 mark.

“The post office has over 90 percent favorability among the American people. They depend on the post office as a public institution. Seniors now are getting — they have always been getting their medicine by mail for a long time now and now even more urgently. People are buying things that are telemarketing and the rest, and they’re being delivered by the post office.

“So at this time, any time, it’s a bad idea. It’s what they’re about, privatization, privatization, privatization. Let someone else go make money off someone that should be a public service for the American people. We will have to have that fight.

“We tried to get funding for the post office in the CARES one bill. We had some money in a bipartisan way, but the president, I understand, personally rejected it,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi then tried to connect Trump’s opposition to more postal spending with her demand that vote-by-mail become law, according to a transcript of the interview posted on Pelosi’s website.

“But let me tell you another reason why he may be against it.  We have to save the lives and livelihood of the American people.  We also have to save our liberty – the life of our democracy,” she said.

“Voting by mail is central to this in any event, but at the time of the coronavirus, very essential.  We had $400 million in CARES 1.  We have to add much more than that in CARES 2, so that people can vote by mail,” she said.

Pelosi then trashed the Supreme Court for not adhering to her agenda by allowing Wisconsin’s primary election to go ahead earlier this month.


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