

Texas Gov. Seeks To Lead Country In Reopening, Cites God’s Hand Is At Work

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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott invoked his faith in God as an integral part of the route Texans and the nation can take they move forward toward recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

Abbott appeared via video during Sunday’s service of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, led by Pastor Jack Graham.

The Republican governor noted that when he talks about faith as an element of recovery, he knows how it works — sharing his story of how faith helped him after an accident left him paralyzed at age 26.

“As you might imagine, when you face something like that, it tests your faith,” Abbott said. “Why would God allow something like this to happen?

“But, very importantly, I found in the aftermath of that, as I continued to reach out to God, I found God reaching right back out to me, and my relationship with God and Jesus Christ grew even closer after the accident. And it empowered me to go on and become governor of the great state of Texas.

“My point is this: We’re all tested. We’re all challenged. Everybody right now, but in your own unique way, every single person watching this today — you have your own tests and your own challenges, and there is a solution.

“There is something that will support you that you can lean on that will always be there for you. That’s Jesus Christ. God almighty. You lean on Jesus and God and you will be taken care of. You’ll be able to weather this storm.”

Abbott noted that life is never without trials.

“You know, God never promised us a life free of storms,” he said. “What God promised was a pathway through those storms. That’s what I’ve seen in my own life. That’s what I’m seeing in Texas.”

The governor praised Graham and his congregation for continuing to safely worship and pray for the nation to recover.

“What you all have done as a congregation and what you have prayed for is beginning to be answered. The growth of the coronavirus in Texas is slowing by people staying at home, by people reducing interaction with others,” Abbott said.

“God’s hand is working through the scientists across this great nation by coming up with fast, innovative drugs that would lead to therapeutic remedies,” he said.

As his segment ended, Abbott shared one final message.


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