

Pelosi Absolutely FUMBLES Answer When Cornered About DEMS Blocking Small Business Aid

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has left Americans trying to save their small businesses and the jobs of millions of employees high and dry.

She beat it out of town to San Francisco and the House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said they wouldn’t be back in session until May 4, “absent an emergency.”

But they left town after blocking the refunding of the Paycheck Protection Program which is helping tide over small businesses to keep their employees in the face of the governmental shutdowns.

Pelosi actually bragged about Democrats blocking it from her home in California.

Now the program has just ran out of money on Wednesday and isn’t taking any more applications because the Democrats have refused to pass more funding for it.

People are absolutely furious and Pelosi and the Democrats, they’re getting blasted big time on social media.

Even the person who headed the Small Business Administration under Barack Obama, Karen G. Mills, is telling Democrats to cut out the nonsense and fund the program immediately, refund the Paycheck Protection Program’s coffers now and ask questions later.

From Roll Call:

The SBA program, established as part of the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 aid package to help battered small businesses, ran out of cash to make new loans on Thursday morning, barely two weeks after it began taking applications.

“Congress has to act as soon as possible,” Mills told CQ Roll Call in an interview Thursday, adding that she’s spoken recently with Democratic senators and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office. “What I’m saying is: Number one, get the money replenished.” [….]

On Thursday, the Federal Reserve released a paper estimating that 18 million Americans have lost their jobs through April 4. Small businesses employed 47.5 percent of Americans before the crisis, and according to a 2019 study by the JP Morgan Institute, about half of small businesses couldn’t survive more than two weeks without revenues.

While Pelosi is out of D.C., back in San Francisco trying to decide which of her designer ice cream flavors to eat after stiffing Americans, C-Span did have a question and answer session during which they had her on and asked about why she had done what justification did Democrats have for blocking the refunding of the program.

Her answer was classic avoiding the question Pelosi. Talk about the inability to give an honest answer, the incoherence and failure to give an answer is something to behold.

Let me translate the facts for her. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said we can look at other issues when they need the money, we know this is immediately needed for Americans and it’s going to be out of money so let’s get it done now. Her response at the time had been that she needed to see the “data.”

This is the same lady who wanted to funnel millions to the Kennedy Center and a host of other Democratic agenda items and she held up the virus relief bill originally because of that. But she needs “data” on how Americans are suffering.

This is the same lady who has no trouble prattling on about how she’s consoling herself through these “trying times” with expensive chocolate.

The Democratic Congressional Committee Communications Director than mocked people who were upset, calling them “Republican operatives” and tweeted that “The only Q: Which @jenisicecreams pint will she enjoy today as she saves the country.”

Well, I hope she’s hearing lots of “data” today from angry Americans who know where the fault lies here if their businesses go under or if they lose their jobs and I hope that they remember come November.

She couldn’t come up with any reasonable excuse because there isn’t any.

Via RedState

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