

BREAKING: Federal Plans To Reopen The Country LEAKED!

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A new report by both FEMA and the CDC to reopen America has leaked and here’s what it says:

BUSINESS INSIDER – Two of the main federal government agencies responsible for the US response to the coronavirus crisis have drawn up plans for a phased reopening of the US beginning sometime in May, according to a document obtained by The Washington Post.

The Post said the document, titled “A Framework for Re-Opening America,” was created by officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Federal Emergency Management Agency and appeared to be an early draft focused solely on the public-health aspect of the larger strategy for lifting the harshest measures and restarting the US economy.

Under the plans, the phased reopening would vary by state and would begin with schools and other childcare facilities.

It would require states to show that their incidence of infection is “genuinely low” and that they have the capacity to monitor cases, treat existing cases, and react to a surge in new cases.

The agencies nevertheless acknowledged the plan “will entail a significant risk of resurgence of the virus.”

But one official told The Post, however, that President Donald Trump was fixed on lifting lockdowns after May 1 and that officials were scrambling to do what they could to ensure that doing so would not lead to a huge surge in new cases.

Trump told reporters on Tuesday evening that he wanted to reopen the US economy “at a time that will be earlier than the deadline that we imposed, the end of April.”

The president also said he would discuss with state governors the implementation of plans to lift lockdowns at a time and date suited to each state. He is also assembling a team of economic experts and business leaders to plan the reopening of the economy.

The unnamed official told The Post: “Beneath the bluster of the president saying May 1, and he’s in charge, and all the other things, there are real efforts to figure out how we could safely and actually do this.”

I don’t know how others are reacting to this but I think it’s great that Trump has both the CDC and FEMA contributing to a plan to reopen the country. He’s not just relying on himself or the economic people he puts on his committee, but also health experts as well.

There’s not a lot here that Trump hasn’t already suggested in terms of opening up the economy. Trump has said that states with lower rates of infection would likely open first. And it looks like they are taking into consideration the capacity and ability of hospitals to react to a surge in new cases, which is also likely to happen.

It’s April 15th and I can only hope that Trump does push states to reopen the economy without a couple weeks. It’s vital we get the economy going again or people won’t just be dying from coronavirus.


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