

93-Year-Old Woman Wins Best Quarantine Award After Scoring A Serious Gift From Coors Beer!

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The current social-distancing situation is the same for most Americans right now: We’re stuck at our homes, limited to going out for necessities and told to give passers-by at least a 6-foot berth.

In many areas, we’re even wearing improvised masks .

Some people are picking up new hobbies during their enforced downtime, trying their hand at growing and making their own food.

Some are realizing they really have no culinary skills.

Others are enjoying the time by reading books, having video chat happy hours, or — if you’re Olive Veronesi — securing yourself a quarantine supply of your favorite suds.

Veronesi is a 93-year-old resident of Seminole, Pennsylvania, and she enjoys her Coors Light.

While sheltering in place, though, she apparently ran low on her mildly alcoholic beverage and sent out a good-natured message that tore through social media.

“I NEED MORE BEER!!” her handwritten plea read. She held up the sign and a can of Coors Light from behind a window, smiling as someone outside her home snapped the photo.

“I was on my last 12 cans, I have a beer every night,” Veronesi told KDKA. “You know what, beer has vitamins in it, it’s good for you, as long as you don’t overdo it.”

And just like that, people started offering to drop off some of her essential drink. Eventually, though, word got to the party most able to help Veronesi.


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