

Trump Threatens To DEFUND World Health Organization For Dropping The Ball On Coronavirus

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Trump announced today at his coronavirus press briefing that he’s going to look into defunding the World Health Organization after they got it wrong on the coronavirus:

Trump did announce that they were going to put a hold on the funding, “a very powerful hold” he suggested. But he apparently didn’t mean it as emphatically as he said it.

He did say in the clip above they were going to look into it before saying they were going to put a hold on the funding. But when a reporter asked him about it, whether it was a good time to put a hold on the funding during the pandemic, he claimed he didn’t say they were definitely going to do it:

I guess Trump’s tongue got out ahead of him a little. So, the real news is that Trump is going to investigate defunding the WHO, not that he’s definitely going to do it now.

And if don’t remember how the WHO got it so wrong, here’s a great example:

Trump did tweet earlier in the day that the WHO is far too “China centric” and also said they would be giving the WHO a good look. Ted Cruz firmly agrees!


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