

Man Erects Cross To ‘Shine Hope’ And Support Medical Workers, Liberal Media Says It’s A Racist ‘Burning Cross’

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More than 360,000 Americans have now tested positive for the coronavirus and millions more are out of work as the global pandemic is now affecting virtually everyone alive.

We are definitely living in a time of great fear and uncertainty, as Americans worry about their physical and financial health and the health of their families.

Many Americans are coping with the unprecedented situation by acts of generosity, volunteering to help their communities, reading the Bible and spending time with family.

Others are surfing the internet, streaming TV shows and catching up on reading.

Finding comfort in things that you love during such a trying time is understandable, which might explain why at least one establishment media outlet has reverted to talking about one of the left’s favorite narratives: Racism.

Conservative radio host Erick Erickson took to Twitter to share a photo ahead of Palm Sunday of an Easter cross in his yard decorated with Christmas lights.

“Two brothers who went to school with my kids are making these and selling them for $20. They’re then taking the money and buying snacks for area hospital break rooms. I added the lights,” he captioned the photo.

A very kind gesture indeed on the part of Erickson.

But upon waking up, the conservative Christian was alerted by Twitter notifications that his attempt at fundraising for health care workers was racist.

Commenters on the post apparently felt the image closely resembled a burning cross in a yard — something synonymous with the Ku Klux Klan.

“I woke up this morning to my social media feeds overrun with trolls accusing me of burning a cross in my yard. Two teen brothers are making crosses and selling them and all the money goes to snacks for doctors and nurses at local hospitals,” Erickson explained.

“I, and a number of neighbors, stuck the crosses in our yards and wrapped them in Christmas lights. It is, after all, Holy Week, and scripture tell us ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ We’re in a global pandemic and can’t go to church. I thought it was a nice thought.

Liberals on Twitter, like commentator Bill Palmer of the radically anti-Trump The Palmer Report, leaped on the issue.

“Erick Erickson with a burning cross in his yard is the only thing about this week that doesn’t seem surprising,” Palmer wrote.


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