

CRAZY: Trump May Have To Lock-Down New York, New Jersey To Save The Country

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President Donald Trump said Saturday that he’s considering a short-term quarantine of “hot spots” in parts of the tri-state area — New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut — where cases of coronavirus continue to rise.

“We’re thinking about certain things. Some people would like to see New York quarantined because it’s a hotspot. … We might not have to do it, but there’s a possibility that sometime today we’ll do a quarantine, short-term, two weeks on New York. Probably New Jersey, certain parts of Connecticut,” he told reporters as he departed the White House.

“I’d rather not do it, but we may need it,” said the President, who was on his way to Norfolk Naval Station for the sendoff of a Navy hospital ship to New York.
He later tweeted, “I am giving consideration to a QUARANTINE of developing ‘hot spots’, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. A decision will be made, one way or another, shortly.”

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that he spoke with Trump on Saturday morning, but that the two had not discussed a quarantine.

“I don’t even know what that means. I don’t know how that could be legally enforceable,” the Democratic governor said during in a news conference in Albany. “And from a medical point view, I don’t know what you would be accomplishing.” – READ MORE

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