

BREAKING: President Trump Signs $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Package

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President Trump has just signed the 2.2 trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus package that seeks to provide assistance to people and businesses since the government has put so many people out of work:

NY POST – President Trump on Friday signed into law a historic $2.2 trillion coronavirus rescue package, the largest stimulus deal in United States history, as the pandemic devastates the nation’s economy and sickens thousands.

The bill includes $500 billion in direct checks to American families, $500 billion in small business loans, $150 billion in hospital funding and a $150 billion relief fund for state and local governments, among other measures.

Trump signed the CARES Act in the Oval Office just hours after the package was passed in the House with overwhelming bipartisan support.

The bill also ensures furloughed workers will receive a full paycheck for four months during the crisis, while mortgage holders affected by the virus will be allowed to suspend repayments for up to 12 months.

Officials can now begin their efforts to distribute $1,200 checks to American taxpayers who earn less than $75,000 a year — a dividend which the Trump administration wants paid by April 6.

April 6th would be a very quick turnaround. I’d say that if you get it that quickly, you’ll be one of the lucky ones.

It really is amazing how much we can summon ourselves to spend, but cutting even a little never happens.

Here’s video of Trump’s speech and signing if you want to watch:

UPDATE: CNN and MSNBC reportedly completely ignored his signing:


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