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The Deepest Depths Of Hell Freeze Over After Ilhan Omar PRAISES Trump’s Efforts Tackling Corona Chaos

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Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar shocked her radical followers by praising President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

In a tweet Wednesday evening, the Minnesota Democrat wrote, “Politics aside, this is incredible and the right response in this critical time.”

Omar was responding to a tweet from The Intercept journalist Lee Fang who reported on Trump’s actions on Wednesday.

During a media conference at the White House, Trump said Wednesday that the Department of Housing and Urban Development would be “suspending all foreclosures and evictions until the end of April” in order to provide “immediate relief to renters and homeowners.”

The Treasury Department will also be asking Congress for $500 billion in direct payouts to taxpayers to combat the economic effects of the coronavirus outbreak, according to a proposal obtained by NBC News.

The report said the direct payouts would be part of a $1 trillion stimulus package.

The Trump administration has proposed two rounds of direct payments to taxpayers that would be sent out on April 6 and May 18.

President Donald Trump will also be invoking the Defense Production Act of 1950 to help with potential medical supply shortages in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

The Defense Production Act is a Korean War-era law that gives the president the authority to take action to force American manufacturers to ramp up production of certain critical equipment, according to The New York Times.

In response to COVID-19, some of the equipment could include ventilators, respirators and protective gear for health care workers.

“@AyannaPressley always says, unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership and we are seeing that in our country right now,” Omar tweeted.

“I have faith we will survive this as a nation and build together.”

“Finally, we should never let politics get in the way of good policy,” she added.

“This is a great start and hope others will be part of a united front to push for good policies that will help us work through the economic anxiety the country is feeling right now.”

Omar is not the first Democrat to switch course and praise Trump’s actions.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo personally thanked the president on Tuesday for the federal government’s efforts to help his state deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

After initially criticizing the president for his response to the spread of COVID-19, Cuomo was complimentary at a news conference in Albany and told reporters that Trump’s team is “on it” in regard to helping those affected by the virus.

“New Yorkers will do everything they can to be good partners with the federal government,” Cuomo said. “I think the president was 100 percent sincere in saying that that he wanted to work together in partnership and a spirit of cooperation.”

He added, “I can tell you the actions he has taken evidence that. His team has been on it. I know a team when they’re on it, and I know a team when they’re not on it.”

Via WesternJournal

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